Estate & Will Planning Course
Most people would rather go to their dentist for a root canal than work on their estate plan. Why is that? At a subconscious level most of us don't want to confront our own mortality. As well, this topic forces us to confront some challenging and difficult questions.
In spite of these challenges, it's important for us to take an intentional approach to the topic. Most of us spend a lifetime accumulating wealth. It would be shame if at the end of our lives we had regrets around important conversations that never took place and that through inadequate planning your estate was eroded unnecessarily and immediate family are thrown into emotional turmoil.
Time after time, clients have shared that after they had completed their estate plan they experienced both a sense of relief and peace of mind. They were glad that they persevered to have the tough conversations with loved ones and to share their hopes and concerns around aging, estate distribution and leaving a lasting legacy.
These experiences have inspired the creation of this video course. Key topics covered include:
> How to keep the tax man out of your estate
> The use of trusts to protect assets and create legacy
> Strategies for reducing estate erosion
> Does it always make sense to reduce probate costs
> Criteria for choosing an Executor and Power of Attorney
> What happens if you die without at Will
> The role of life insurance in estate planning
Included with this video course are the following PDF documents:
> Copy of presentation slides
> The duties of an executor
> Tax Planning at death
> Power of Attorney & Incapacity
> Ten Estate Planning Tips
This presentation is not intended to replace the work that a financial advisor, accountant or lawyer will do. However, the course is a great primer on the topic. You will be better informed. When you complete the worksheets included with this presentation, you will be in a position to make effective use of the tax, legal and financial professionals who will help to pull together the overall plan.
The result - peace of mind!
To access this video, simply complete information below. An email with the link to the course will conveniently be sent to you.