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Avoid the 7 Major Pitfalls in Retirement

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

30 years of experience has allowed me to work with countless individuals as they prepare for, enter and navigate their retirement years.

There is no doubt that I have identified some common themes people associate with retirement such as wanting to do more travelling, spending more time with family, taking up new hobbies.

On the other side of that coin, I've also been able to identify some key retirement pitfalls that tend to get in the way of people truly enjoying their retirement.

As a retirement coach (aka financial planner, wealth planner, advisor), one of my principal roles is to help our clients stay on track and avoid these pitfalls.

Grab a coffee, a pen, a pad of paper and press play to learn what pitfalls to avoid!

Contact us to learn how we can help you navigate your retirement!

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