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Retirement Planning Course - $199.00


You are beginning to think about retirement and realize that you have many unanswered questions. We believe that knowledge is power. The more informed you are about your retirement planning options, the better your decisions will be. The result is confidence and peace of mind about your retirement transition.

By taking this course, you will gain clarity on the following questions:

  • Will I have enough money when I retire?
  • Am I clear about my options for generating income and retirement investing?
  • I'm not sure what after-tax income I can sustain.
  • How should I handle my employer pension plan?
  • Should I take CPP benefits early or defer past age 65?
  • How should I handle my retirement allowance?
  • I'm unsure what returns I need from my retirement portfolio.
  • How well can I  handle inflation, longevity, and market risks?

What You Get:

  • 29 video lessons

  • Supporting PDF Documents

  • Self Paced

  • Watch on your schedule

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